What kind of church is clear creek?

Here are the answers to the questions we usually get. If you have others, click here to ask!

Services are at 9:30 & 11:00, and usually run about 65 minutes.

Wear what you want: The vibe is casual and comfortable.

The music is contemporary (and respectfully loud...) 

The coffee is hot. No donuts, though - sorry!

We won't single you out as a guest, but we will respond if you have questions for us.

We'll give you space to check things out, but if you want to meet people our people are very meetable!

Our security systems and volunteer screening are in place to ensure that your kids will be safe.

We are not perfect, so there's no pressure on you!

Come and see for yourself if Clear Creek might be the kind of church you can call 'home!'

Growth is a process

At Clear Creek, our passion is helping "spiritual orphans" find a home - not just fitting in with us, but getting to know God as a good Father. We expect people who stick around to want to grow spiritually - to become more and more like God. We can't give you enough information to make that happen; it is the result of deliberate steps you decide to take. We have identified four significant mileposts on the path to spiritual formation at Clear Creek, and believe true growth will not happen if any of the four is left out. Briefly, those markers are:

Worship: Deliberately set apart time to acknowledge that there is a God, and we're not Him!

Serve: To paraphrase Spiderman's Uncle Ben, with great blessing comes great responsibility. Use what you have been given for the benefit of others.

Connect: We aren't supposed to do life - or faith - alone. You have a perspective someone needs to hear, and someone has something to share that will bless your life. Don't go it alone.

Invest: Where your treasure is, Jesus said, your heart will be. Take ownership of the ministry by surrendering some of what you have - time, energy, money, love - for the good of the church.

Where you start is reflective of your journey, and even of your personality. Serving is your thing? Great! Serve! But don't stay there - take someone else along. Worship fills you up? Super! Find a way to pour out the overflow to bless others. If you truly want to be closer to God next year than you are this year, be intentional: find a way to do all four, and see what God does in your life!